Shisuk (A national NGO of Bangladesh) organized a Meeting on “Contributing to efforts to progressively reduce and ban the highly hazard pesticides (HHPs) at local, national and regional level”. The half day meeting cum visit was held on 17th February 2024 at Shisuk office, Daudkandi, Cummilla. The aim of the visit was to introduce the Daudkandi Model of fish farming in the SAARC countries since the model has been recognized as one of the best practices by the SAARC.
The Director Dr. Md. Harunir Rashid and Senior Program Specialists of the SAARC Agriculture Centre participated in this important meeting cum visit. The Executive Director of Shisuk Mr. Sakiul Millat Morshed mentioned that the Daudkandi Model of fish farming has been replicated in different upazilas of Cumilla. He also commented that nowadays, fish farming in wet season and Boro Rice in the dry season is being practiced under this model which ensures food and nutrition security for the farmers and it’s eco-friendly also. After the meeting, SAC team visited the floodplain area of the Daudkandi model. SAC would express sincere thanks and heartfelt gratitude for organizing a visit cum meeting, warm hospitality and your valuable presence during the visit.