BARC Campus, Farmgate
New Airport Road Dhaka-1215

Vacancy announcement for the post of Finance Officer for the Project on
Consortium for Scaling-up Climate Smart Agriculture in South Asia (C-SUCSeS)

SAARC Agriculture Centre is please to invite applications from the citizens of Bangladesh for the post of Project Finance Officer for the Project on Consortium for Scaling-up Climate Smart Agriculture in South Asia (C-SUCSeS) for a period of three years funded by International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and SAARC Development Fund (SDF). The project will be coordinated and managed by the Project Coordinator under the overall supervision of the Director, SAARC Agriculture Centre (SAC). The citizens of Bangladesh fulfilling the requirements of the post may apply to Dr. Md. Baktear Hossain, Director, SAC, email: or Mr. Kinzang Gyeltshen, Senior Program Specialist (NRM), SAC, email: kingyel@hotmail.comlatest by 25 February 2021. Terms of reference, qualification requirements and application form can be downloaded from the link below:

Term of Reference                                                                                              Application form