Half-day online program for the potential authors/ reviewers of the SAARC Journal of Agriculture was conducted on 21st December 2022 during 10.00-13.00 hours Bangladesh Time. The training was intended to generate capacity building amongst the probable reviewers and authors in familiarizing the manuscript-central-oriented online submission and review process of the journal. The programme was conducted with the support of the Bangladesh Journals Online (BanglaJOL), Bangladesh Academy of Sciences. Dr. Md. Baktear Hossain, Director, SAARC Agriculture Centre and the Chief Editor of the SAARC Journal of the Agriculture Chaired the session.
The technical session was coordinated by Dr. Grinson George, Senior Programme Specialist (Fisheries) and Managing Editor of the Journal. Dr. Fatema Nasrin Jahan, Senior Programme Officer (NRM) and Associate Editor of the journal presented the status of the Journal and Mr. Md. Md. Fahmid Uddin Khondoker, IT cum Monitoring Officer, BAS-USDA Endowment Program (BUEP) & Journal Manager, Bangladesh Journals Online (BanglaJoL) was the key resource person. The capacity building initiative had nearly 45 participants from the South Asian Countries.