SAC-Donor Coordination Meeting on SAARC Regional Project Proposals was conducted at Hotel Annapurna, Kathmandu, Nepal during 5-6 April, 2018. The meeting was jointly organized by SAARC Agriculture Centre (SAC) and the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) with the support of SAARC Secretariat, Nepal. The realizing the utmost impotence of regional cooperation and more investment on South Asian agriculture, the meeting was organized with the objectives; (i) apprise the donor communities on priority areas for agricultural development through regional integration, (ii) present fundable project proposals and seek commitment from and (iii) draw specific recommendations for future initiatives on promotion of regional programs.

The two-day consultation meeting brought together about 50 delegates comprising of national representatives from all SAARC Member countries, development partners, INGOs and CGIAR institutions to evaluate and prioritize agricultural project proposals for technical support and funding opportunities.

The inaugural session was graced by Mr Amjad Hussain B, Sail, His Excellency Secretary General of SAARC, Dr PK Joshi, Director, IFPRI-SAO, Ms Ishrat Jahan, Director (ARD), SAARC and Dr SM Bokhtiar, Director, SAC. His Excellency Secretary General conveyed his gratitude to all development partners for their willingness to support SAARC endeavors for sustainable agriculture development in South Asia. Further, he deeply appreciated the capability of Dr Bokhtiar, SAC Director and his dedicated team of professionals for convening the timely and important event.

The outcome of the meeting was visible in the form of commitment of donors and CGIAR institutions for providing funds and technical support for the projects.