The SAARC Regional Training on “Good Agriculture Practices (GAP) in SAARC Member States” was organized in Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India during 27-30 August 2019. Fourteen participants from seven SAARC Member States (except Pakistan) joined the training program. The four-day long training program was inaugurated with traditional Indian lamp lighting. The inaugural session was chaired By Dr. Manish Kumar Pandey, Director, Quality Council of India, Dr Suresh Kumar Malhotra, Agriculture Commissioner, Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farermers Welfare (FW), Ministry of Farmers FW of India, graced the session as Chief Guest. Dr. Anjay Dave, International Consultant, Food Safety and Former Chairperson Codex Alimentarius Commission India, was present in the ceremony as Special Guest. On behalf of organiser Dr. Nasreen Sultana, Senior Program Specialist (Horticulture) coordinated the whole program.  Detail Report