- SAARC Agrinews
- SAARC Journal of Agriculture
- SAC Annual Report 2016
- Statistical Data Book for Agricultural Research in SAARC Countries
- In-house research and Publication on Thrust Areas of Agriculture in SAARC Countries
- Food Grain Situation in SAARC Countries
- Printing of Proceedings of Seminar/Workshop in the field of Agriculture and allied disciplines
- SAARC Charter Day observance
- Capacity Building & Professional Development
- Programme Building, Monitoring and Backstopping
- Periodic Services (Current Awareness/SDI Services)
- Acquisition of Information materials in Agricultural and allied fields from SAARC Member Countries and other Countries/Organizations
- ICT Mediated Communication
- Distribution of Information Materials
- Reproduction of Information Materials, Audio Visual & Dubbing/Sub-titling
- Promotional Activities of SAC
- SAARC Agriculture Archive
- Internship, exchange visit, exposure visit, SAARC Agriculture PhD Scholarship program
NEED BASE PROGRAMS (Continue from 2016 work plan)
- Improvement of Oilseed and Adaptive Trial in SAARC Countries
- Review of Improvement of Pulses and Adaptive Trial in SAARC Countries
- Review of identification of rice varieties for abiotic stresses in SAARC Countries (Fund from IRRI)
- Review-High Yielding Dairy Buffalo Breed Development in SAARC Countries
- Regional training on sericultural industry
- Conservation Agricultural practices in SAARC member countries
- Scaling-up of proven Technologies for Maize Improvement through Participatory Approach in the South Asian Region (Video Conference).
- Technology sharing of spice crops in SAARC Countries (Regional Expert Consultation Meeting)
- SAARC outlook Agricultural Machinery in SAARC member countries
- Goat farming for livelihood improvement of rural small farmers in SAARC member countries
- Backyard poultry production systems in SAARC countries (Video Conference)
- Field epidemiology training program for the Veterinarian (FETPV)
- Regional consultation workshop on Farm made feed for sustainable Aquaculture development in South Asian Region
- Best Management Practices for the aquaculture of commercially important fin fishes in SAARC Region
- Monograph on Endangered fish species in South Asian Region
- SAARC regional expert consultation meeting on water, food energy nexus: a basis for sustainable agricultural development
- Development of SAARC regional project on community-based non-wood forest products enterprise: A sustainable business model
- Forging SAC-CGIAR partnership for Agricultural Research and Development in South Asia
- Best practices of integrated plant nutrient management system (IPNS) in SAARC countries
- Workshop on risk management for small farmers
- Workshop on export promotion and market access for agriculture and food products in major global markets
- Regional expert consultation meeting on facilitating use of microbial pesticides in SAARC countries