Call for applications for PhD Scholarship – 2017 from SAARC Agriculture Centre (SAC)
SAARC Agriculture Centre (SAC) under the framework of SAARC has been working for strengthening agricultural research and technology transfer through regional network among agricultural research and development institutions and policy makers in South Asia. SAC has taken initiatives to support aspiring agricultural scientists of the region to pursue their PhD degree programs in reputed agricultural universities in SAARC Region and SAC is delighted to announce the launch of annual doctoral scholarship grant for the academic year 2017. The scholarships provide financial support for applicants from SAARC Member States to undertake a postgraduate qualification at PhD level in the field of agriculture and allied disciplines for 3 years. The scholarships are competitive and merit-based providing opportunities for regular employees of the National Agricultural Research and Extension System (NARES) in respective SAARC Member States to gain their PhD qualifications.
Applicant must be a citizen of a SAARC Member State (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka) and must be a regular employee of the National Agricultural Research and Extension System (NARES) of the respective Member States. Applicants must be age of 40 years or below on the date of the application deadline. Applicant should have a relevant postgraduate qualification (MSc/ MS/ MPhil) in agriculture or allied sciences with excellent academic records and good command of spoken and written English. Candidates having publications on climate change and conservation agriculture would get preference. Applicant must be available full time for PhD study from 2017 for 3 years.
How to apply
Applications are invited from potential candidates who have interest in PhD study on this particular area. Candidates should submit application along with PhD synopsis and supporting documents (certified copies of postgraduate and basic degree certificates, current CV, list of publications) to Director, SAC through the relevant ministries and SAARC Division under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs / External Affairs of the home country with endorsements on or before 30th April 2017. A scanned copy of the set of application may be sent directly to Director, SAC via email as an advance copy. Circular for calling applications and Application Performa are available on .
PhD synopsis / Brief PhD proposal
Applicants are requested to submit a synopsis (brief proposal) of maximum 8 pages for PhD research under the given thematic area adhering to the format given here. The synopsis will be reviewed to determine whether the proposed research is in accordance with given thematic area and the quality of research for awarding the PhD degree. The outputs must lead to advance the existing knowledge in the field of investigation and to fill up the gap in the knowledge.
Synopsis format
1. Title 2. Introduction 3. Objectives 4. Review of literature 5. Plan of work and methodology 6. Expected outputs 7. References
Selection process
Applications received from member countries by the deadline (30th April 2017) will be pre-evaluated by the Committee headed by Director, SAC according to the following criteria:
- Academic records of the candidate (Bachelor degree and postgraduate degree)
- Publications and experience in relevant field
- Relevancy and quality of PhD research synopsis
The final evaluation and selection will be made by SAC–BAU (host university) joint evaluation team.
Tenure and Placement
Awards are tenable at an Agricultural University of SAARC countries designated by SAC. Funding is for 03 years with fulltime basis. SAC will facilitate the placement and admission.
2017 scholarship
Thematic area for research: Influence of conservation agriculture on soil carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas emission in cereal based cropping systems
Host University: Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Mymensingh, Bangladesh ( )
Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) is the premier institution of higher agricultural education and research in Bangladesh. The main task of the university is to tone up the quality and standard of higher agricultural education and to produce first-rate agriculturists, agricultural scientists and researchers for shouldering the responsibilities of agricultural development of the country. The BAU offers PhD degree based on PhD thesis, with satisfactory course work (Master’s level) if any suggested by supervisor.
Scholarship and related grant
- Economy class air fare from home country and return at the end of PhD study
- Tuition fee
- Living allowances at the rate US$ 600 per month
- A one-time grant of US$ 1000 to cover up expenditure for books, study materials, computer and thesis production.
- A grant of US$ 1000 per year to cover up research costs with the recommendation of PhD supervisor.
Grant Conditions
The award may be terminated at any time for reasons of unsatisfactory conduct, progress or attendance or if the registration is suspended or terminated by his/ her university for any reason.
Further contact
Dr W.A.R.T. Wickramaarachchi, Senior Program Specialist (Priority Setting and Program Development), SAARC Agriculture Centre, Dhaka, Bangladesh (T: +88-2-8141140, F: +88-2-9124596, M: +880-1754696984, E: )
SAARC Agriculture Centre (SAC)
BARC Complex
New Airport Road
Dhaka 1215, Bangladesh