Regional Farmers’ Workshop and AFA’s 11th General Assembly (GA) was held in Nepal on 18-20 September 2024. On behalf of the SAARC Agriculture Centre, Dr. Md. Younus Ali Senior Programme Specialist (Livestock) joined the programme to represent the SAC. Dr. Ali presented a paper “Climate Resiliency with Family Farming Organizations focusing on adaptation, agro ecological practices” on 20 September 2024. The meeting was jointly organized by the Asian Farmers’ Association (AFA), National Land Rights Forum Nepal (NLRF) and the Central Tea Cooperative Federation (CTCF) with the following objectives;
• share and learn from the initiatives of AFA member organizations on climate resiliency
• provide feedback and inputs on (i) key messages to promote climate resiliency (ii) design and activities of current and potential projects
• Discuss, affirm, approve the agenda for the 11th GA business proper, including the (i) composition of new Execom 2024-2026; (ii) election of new set of officers and (iii) appointment of new Secretary General.