A virtual meeting was held on 26 April, 2021 at 11.30 AM. Dr. Md. Baktear Hossain, Director, SAARC Agriculture Centre (SAC) was attended as the Guest of Honour in the meeting. The Meeting was attended by all Focal Points of the SAARC Member Countries and SAC ( Mr. Monirul Islam Bangladesh, Ms. Rengalakshmi Raj India, Mr. Ismail Rasheed Maldives, Mr. ASM Roshan, Sri Lanka), Senior Technical Officer & Project Coordinator (Dr. Md. Younus Ali) and Senior Programme Officer (Ms. FatemaNasrin Jahan), Project Coordinators (Mr. Seenivasan Ramalingam and Mr. Jibin Thomas India) and Ms. Bindia Nag, CIRDAP. Due to other priority, Focal Point of Bhutan could not make it convenient to join the meeting. Director SAC welcomed the Focal Points of the SAARC Member Countries including SAC and CIRDAP Officials who attended in the virtual quarterly meeting. He shared the project progress briefly with the Focal Points in the meeting. He acknowledged the efforts and cooperation of SAARC Development Fund (SDF) and Implementing Agencies in performing the activities during 2020 within the COVID-19 Pandemic situation. However, he felt that the project is indeed running with a right direction of pathway to achieve the Project outputs, outcomes and results.